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Monday, June 02, 2008

Winding Path to Heaven - Yoga of White Shonkh

Yoga of the White Shonkh Shrikant Soman
Winding Path to Heaven

If you see the shonkh from the front side, you will see seven parallel lines or seven horizontal strips. This gives the illusion that these strips are independent of each other. Now if you have a look at the shonkh from top, you will notice that these strips are actually a winding path. There are not seven independent strips but one single strip winding its way up till the pinnacle of the shonkh. It is like a winding road in the mountain. Thus what appears to be separate regions are in fact a long unbroken path upward. This is the secret of our existence. What we call seven levels of existence – with material world at the bottom starting point of first level and the One Source of All at the Top seventh level (does not matter from which you start counting – from top or from bottom) – are infact one single existence. It appears to be seven independent levels because we are accustomed to perceive our reality from limited perspective.

The science of White Shonkh shows us the way to reach higher levels of our existence without losing our material level of existence.

Secondly, shonkh represents the living reality of the original creation of the world. When this world was created, the primordial sound OM was vibrated. This sound created the vortex of Shonkh. This process of Creation was not at a particular point in time. It is happening all the time and at all the places on a continuous basis. It follows that the vortex of white shonkh is even existing at present and can be seen at the location near to the original source of creation. It is a fast swirling vortex of multiple colour hues giving the impression of white colour by approximation.

Every point of existence in this world is basically a white shonkh. Its appearance gets to the shape what we see is due to its representation in a particular way. This leads us towards a ‘unified theory’ of existence – which the scientists right from Albert Einstein till present day are desperate to arrive at. The Shonkh has the characteristics of colour, speed, depth, height, sound, shape, smell, vibration, magneticism, light property and some other occult phenomena. It is like the ‘genetics’ of our Reality. If we master this technique of altering these properties, we get the real power of creation.

Out Mantras are precisely based on this secret knowledge. The Brahminical Rites are also founded on this shastra. This shastra has also been contained in an occult way in our Vedas. I can not elaborate on this matter further.

The Spiritual Horoscope of a person is also based on this knowledge. During our lifetime in this world, we alter the characteristics of this shonkh genetics of our individuality. This we do with all the emotional element of our experiences. Any experience is measured only in terms of its emotional value. There is not strictly bad or good or holy or evil Karma. There is only Emotional Mass of our Action. The emotions can be sad, happy, hateful, resentful, pleasant etc. We are made up of the memory of these emotions. We take birth again and again till we ‘un-wind’ the spin caused due to our Emotional Mass. The process of ‘em-flowerment’ and ‘releasing the knots’ of emotions is based on this theory. The intensity of emotions is also an essential characteristic to be considered.

The study of spiritual horoscope is based on studying this Shonkh Genetics of the person. He may have any astronomical horoscope. However, with his life experiences, he alters it as per the above characteristics. We have to measure the speed at which the vortex is swirling alongwith other characteristics. The speed determines the real zest for life of a person. If all other things are favourable but the zest of life is diminished then very little can be achieved. A ‘holy’ person with ‘’holy’ character but with little zest for life has little power. The person who has ‘im-balanced’ his vortex goes down the scale and has again to start much from the earlier stages – again traversing the life journey in his next birth cycle. At the time of birth, the spiritual horoscope and the astronomical horoscope are identical. In other words, we get the shonkh genetics as per our astronomical environment. We may follow the astronomical path throughout our life. In this case the Shonkh Genetics follows the pattern as defined by the astronomical environment. This happens in case of most of the persons who do not make any particular effort (from the spiritual point of view) to alter the course of their life (for better or for worse). Therefore, the astrological predictions may come true in the case of these persons. However, they have to follow a very long and slow winding path of evolution alongwith the general population. They may have to take several lifetimes to progress on the winding path. In order to correctly predict the future of a person and guide his more accurately, we need to take measurements of his current state of the vortex – shonkh. There is considerable amount of mathematics involved in it as well. With the application of this shastra, we may get manipulated in the hands of lesser gods, knowingly or unknowingly if we ‘open’ ourselves to these entities. This often results in situation detrimental to our interests. We may get ‘milked’ by these entities just like we milk the cattle by becoming a shepherd to them.

Sri Anand Yoga is secretly based on this shastra. The effect of Joyfully Creating the World of our Dreams in this very lifetime is precisely to alter this vortex in such a way that we reach the top level while being in this material body. JOY is the KEY. Continuous striving for manifesting our inner reality is the essential ingredient. All the physical, mental and spiritual exercises of Sri Anand Yoga apply one or the other principle of this White Shonkh shastra.

Interestingly, the ‘Pie’ mathematical constant (22/7) is very much used in this Shonkh calculations. Similarly the theory of Golden Means is also at the central theory of Vortex – but with some different manner. The properties of light are also used as a reference point – a sort of constant. To this extent, the Vortex Shastra comes near to the science of physics.

At the sub-atomic level, we observe that the electron rotates around the nucleus in ‘whole’ numbers’ When it is heated, it gets agitated and jumps to the higher orbit. Scientists are puzzled with one particular observation in this process. The electron appears to ‘disappear’ momentarily in its existing orbit and ‘reappear’ at the higher orbit. It does not move to the next orbit in a continuous manner. It behaves like a ‘digital’ way and not ‘analogue’ way. We get the clue in this Shonkh theory. Actually the electron does not ‘disappear’ in the existing orbit. It just goes behind the vortex in a continuous winding path like that of the white shonkh. When it again comes to the front of the shonkh, it appears in the higher orbit. Actually, there are no independent orbits – just like there are no independent levels in a shonkh. Now the question is ‘what is the going behind the vortex’ of the electron. It is obviously going into a reality, which is very much a part of our reality, but of which we have not so far been able to ‘live’ in. In order to perceive this reality, we need to have different ‘instrument of observations’. At present we are ‘stuck’ with a limited range of instruments. We have then a ‘stupid’ theory of ‘location vs mass’ of the electrons. We can either have with certainty the location or the mass of the electron at any given point, but not both at the same time. This theory is no theory at all. It is a very feeble attempt to nicely put into some package a phenomena which honestly we are puzzled and have no answers. In reality, the problem is totally different. The factor of ‘any given time’ is itself having a very limited relevance. It is having relevance in our ‘suptra-atomic’ world of Newtonian physics. At the sub-atomic level, we are actually perceiving some different time dimensions – which is totally unlike ours. We are also stuck with the concept of the ‘linearity’ of the time. At all levels other than our physical ‘supra-atomic’ levels, the time is non-linear. The White Shonkh system can provide some valuable insights (though you do not expect ‘straight’ answers) in this respect. Similarly, the issue of the ‘dark matter’ in the cosmos can be solved. Dark matter is the reality behind the shonkh.
Now I have presented this theory in a very simple manner. I have to ‘compromise’ accuracy in favour of simplicity. Otherwise the whole matter will be beyond your comprehension.

The Vortex Shonkh theory can also answer other phenomena like ‘gravity’, magnetic field etc. The spiritual experience and the ‘supra-material’ phenomenon like magnetic field, human aura, telepathy etc can be easily linked with this vortex white shonkh theory.

Actually, White Shonkh’ is not a ‘theory’ at all. To look at it from the ‘theoretical’ angle is gross approximation of the reality. White Shonkh is an experience.

In Sri Anand Yoga we do have some yogic practices with the actual physical object of White Shonkh. This is done in a ‘representative’ way. The object is to create harmonic tuning with spiritual reality and gain some kind of power to realise our dreams.

The swirling dervishes incorporate this shastra to some extent. Abnormal weather conditions like Sunami can also be caused due to the imbalance of this Vortex at the reality of our Earth. We are very much part of this reality and affect it in either way.

The chanting of Om, which is an essential part of Sri Anand Yoga has higher grades of techniques. At higher level, we use this vortex principle.

With the ‘emotional’ experiences gained in our earthly life, the
White Shonkh at our core level gets ‘coats’ of different stuff. With the positive experiences arising out of our joyous emotions, we progress faster towards our goal. On the other hand, every kind of negative experience arising out of emotions of the kind of hatred, suffering, pain, jealousy, sadness etc, puts different kind of coat on the White Shonkh. Our evolutionary journey does not get complete unless and until we ‘burn out’ this stuff. This is done through the life experience of these emotions ‘re-lived’ but with the ‘transformative’ process in the light of Joy. This world was created in JOY by the One Source. We need to reach that level. At the last stage of our evolution, we need to even leave this last and final coat of JOY and become PURE. This is the state beyond Joy. It is the stage of LIGHT. It is pure ‘Buddha’ state of enlightenment. Earlier we used to say – I am Joy. Now we just say ‘ I AM’. However, this is only the final map of our journey. We need not much bother about it at this stage of our evolution. We have to pass many stations before we can even think of these final stages. At our current stage, all this is pure ‘academic’ discussion.

Sri Anand Yoga is based on the above philosophy. That is why we lay great stress on the process of ‘creative participation’ in this earthly life by stretching our capacity beyond our ‘comfort’ level, bringing out positive change in our world – in whatever small or big way we can, while at the same time ‘enjoying’ the whole process, irrespective of the final outcome of our endeavour. Even the physical exercises of Sri Anand Yoga have this inner principle embodied in them. I have to stress that there is no sense of ‘sacrifice’ or ‘duty’ or ‘obligation’ or ‘holy act’ etc behind any of our actions. All whatever we do is in the sense of this ‘joyful play’. This understanding is absolutely essential in view of the higher level spiritual principles as explained above. This is totally different from the current religious teaching (of all religions) in which we are brought up. This may even appear to be ‘shocking’ to some religious minded people. Actually, it is all very simple. What we are doing is following the original plan of the Creator. It is ‘Sat-Chit-Ananda’ – Sadchidananda. The Truth in Consciousness founded on Bliss.

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