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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Sri Anand Yoga 2

Sri Anand Yoga 2
Originally written on 25 March 2004

Stress causes ageing. It is a known scientific fact for over five decades that stress causes the body to age quickly. And stress is physical as well as mental. Our main concern is not just the physical stress. Physical stress can result in exhaustion. But the mental stres willresult in ageing.

Scientists have done experiments on mouse. They have given it mild electric shocks. at random for few days. These mild shocks have resulted in the mice dyeing in a very few days. The cause of death was not the electric shocks by itself but the mental reaction of the mouse to the electric shocks. As far as the physical survival is concerned, the response of our brain is physically conditioned by our animal stage. which existed hundreds of thousands years ago. During that stage we only had two options when posed with a threat – fight or flight. During the state of alarm the brain releases adrenaline from the adrenal cortex. This adrenaline then races through the blood stream and completely overtakes the usual business of the body.
……. To continue

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