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Thursday, March 08, 2012

Divine Consciousness Penetrating Matter

Divine Consciousness Penetrating Matter
This note was written on 1 April 2006. It is now published on this blog on 8 March 2012.

The Goal is not to lose oneself in the Divine Consciousness. The goal is to let the Divine Consciousness penetrate into Matter and transform it.
The Mother

Losing oneself into Divine Consciousness is leaving the material world un-transformed. The knot of matter is not untied. The original purpose  behind the creation of this world – i.e. to have Bliss in Consciousness based on the foundation of Truth – Sat-Chit-Anand or Sadchidananda remains unfulfilled. The individual salvation at best can be achieved. In most cases even that is not achieved on permanent basis. The soul has again to return on this life to complete his unfinished job.
Losing into Divine Consciousness is an attractive proposition as it leaves aside the job making the Divine Consciousness penetrate this material world and transform it into divine consciousness.

The reason one is tempted to opt for the first option of ‘losing into divine consciousness’ as against the second more important way of ‘making the divine consciousness penetrate into the material world and transform it’ is because the soul who has got the call of his Innerself and Overself tends to have disgust for the anarchy of this material world. He feels himself helpless in doing the job of transforming this material world. He feels that to penetrate this material world is to ‘step down’ in the ladder of his spiritual progress instead of ‘step up’ of the losing oneself into the divine consciousness. To go to God is considered as the final destination. To realise God here in this world in this material body is considered as the job best to be done by some Avatar, by some supreme divine intervention. It is supposed to be not the job of Man but that of God. Moreover, it is not the pleasant job. It involves getting oneself into strife and discord.

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